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Writer's pictureAntonio Pinheiro

Where to invest your money in Portuguese real estate, in the coming years.

The Portuguese real estate market gave in 2017 & 2018 exceptional profits on the high-Luxury segment.

If you read data provided by the Portuguese National Institute of Statistics (INE), and if you had your eyes and ears open, you can easy understand there's a big change on 2019.

Is taking longer to sell a luxury house right now then it used to take back 2 years ago. More over, construction companies are busy to deliver more luxury housing, and the Local Authorities had issue more construction permits, to be built and delivered in 2020 & 2021.

It means this market segment has reach a point of over supply. Things will not get better, once all existing and projected investments will be completed, and available on the market.

The supply of luxury houses in Portugal had exceed the demand for it.

There is other segment to invest in real estate, that will boom in the next years, where construction companies have failed to deliver supply in recent years.

residential property

I'm talking of homes for the Portuguese medium-class market, where the demand for it, is already three times higher then the supply existing in the market.

I talk for those investors, that want to have a return in the coming years. (your money in luxury will be on stand by... and your money in the medium-class segment will have a return).

Investing in homes for the Portuguese medium-class now, on main Portuguese cities (i. e. cities with more than 100 000 inhabitants) will generate good income for the next coming years.

I have good deals now! Investments to be done now, where the demand is.

(more information about deal opportunities can be sent by e-mail, by request only.

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